Prayer Ministry
At Access we are passionate about prayer and want to invite
you to participate in the various opportunities we have to gather and ask God
to intervene. Below you will find a few
ways to get involved with prayer at Access. For more information email:
Every so often we gather specifically to worship God and pray for one another during a mid-week service. During these gatherings we have experienced God’s presence in unique ways as the Holy Spirit moves us to pray for healing and allow spiritual gifts a place among the body of Christ. These meetings have typically been held on wed evenings but may be subject to change. We do not currently have any gatherings scheduled but you can check the event calendar to know when they will be.
Every week, a group of people gather from 8:15-9:15am (right before our morning service) to seek God in prayer for our Church, surrounding Churches and community. Everyone is invited to this prayer time; you can just simply show up.
We believe that praying for one another is extremely important and often necessary as a response to our weekly messages during services. After every service we have prayer teams come up front to pray with those who would like to agree with someone for what God has for them. To be a part of this team you will need to fill out an application and attend regular prayer team trainings. We have seen the Lord do incredible things as we step out in prayer, join the prayer team and watch how God will use you!